Sunday, June 2, 2013

Something Blue but Nothing New...

Korban had been pretty irritable for most of the day, but finally settled down and he and Selah were playing together in the playroom.  I walked into the bedroom and was talking to Brad.  We could hear the kids giggling and talking to each other.  "They sure are playing good together," Brad remarked, and I agreed with him. It makes my heart so happy. A short time later, I heard Korban say, clear as a bell, "Let's go show Mom and Dad!"  I remember thinking that was a really good sentence and I said to Brad "They're about to come show us something!"

We heard the stampede of little feet, and then they arrived in the bedroom.  The children attached to those little feet looked liked this:

According to Selah, they are tigers.  Because all good tigers have blue stripes.  She even colored the back of Korban's neck blue.  Since I guess he couldn't reach it, she was just being a helpful little sister.  Please note she also removed her pants to have more surface area to color.  They were quite proud of themselves. 
Thankfully this was a washable marker and it really did wash right off.  Pretty much.  After a good scrubbing in the tub they each have a slight blue cast to their skin which makes them look a little Smurfy.  But considering how they looked before, I'll take my little Smurfs and be grateful.
Sweet Jesus!

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