Saturday, December 15, 2012

From the heart of the daddy figure!

Guest blogger here...I am Brad, the daddy figure in Essary 4.0. 

Yesterday was an emotional day for sure.  I had been sick and off work on Thursday and then was scheduled to be off on Friday for our 10 year aniversary.  We had planed to go somewhere but that fell through for various reasons, money being a big one, just saying.  No pitty cause we split the kids at the grandparents to spend the weekend for the the first time like ever and are doing a staycation...just like we did for our honeymoon, huh.  Well we wanted to post on facebook about our aniversary but were having trouble with the internet at home so didn't get to that morning.  Then word of the tragedy in Newton happened and it just didn't seem right to post about our stuff at that time.  So that is why we posted so late in the day to celebrate our day with FB.  We did have a good family day and I was glad to be home with my kids for the day.

Now as far as the shooting goes here is my opinion:

The guns used did not kill anyone.  I personally do not own a gun but I do collect knives and swords.  Not a one of my weopons have every harmed a persons life.

Evil was present.  This is not God's fault, He did not make this happen.  God allowed for evil into this world way back in the day so that we could experience Heaven one day.  There is only one way to do this and that is to have a personal relationship with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  It would appear that this adult individual was not being led by the God that I know. 

They say Autism was a possible factor in the adult taking the actions that he did.  I'm not really sure where to go with this one but I do hope that the media has their facts straight.  I do hope that people don't just make up things and say hurtful things just to be doing it.  Wait what am I talking about?  Of course there is ignorance out there and these things will be said and happen.  People are mean.  Kids are mean to other kids.  When the wrong info is put out there then it hurts deep to those of us who are living with such as Autism on a daily basis.  Please do not make this a stereotype about EVERY person with autism will do this.  It is already a fear within us that we can not control this thing called autism so why make it worse for us.  Give support not discouragement.

Now for the most important and the purpose for me chiming in here.  I hope for this to be the encouragement that I intend for it to be to whoever needs to hear it right now.

They say God is not allowed in our Schools:

Yes it would be wonderful if we had a government that by their laws allowed freely for us to have the word of God in every aspect of life but at this time that is not so.  We have a government that allows for all freedoms and is not being led by God but by law.  I have no faith that a law would do anything with God being anymore in our school than he is now.  I am in almost every school in Corinth and Alcorn County at least once a month.  I see God in our schools.  For one I know for a fact that I take him with me whenever I enter because I have that personal relationship with Christ.  I do not say that to boast but just pointing out facts here. I see Him in my coworkers who also take into the schools their own personal relationships with the Savior and share that by actions shown.  I see Him in the kids I work with that talk about what they have done at church and home that reflect on a family searching for God.  I see Him in the many teachers that are very active members in the numerous Churches in the area.  I see Him in the Principal who is a Sunday school teacher.  I see Him in the deacons on the school boards.  I see Him in the superintendents who hold various leadership positions in their Churches.  I see Him in the cafeteria worker who prayers for your child as they prepare a meal for the day.  I see Him in the janitor who with God’s grace gives a helpful smile that means so much to a child.  I see Him in the coach that is a positive example who prays with the team.  I see Him in the countless number of parents who enter each school on a daily basis who train their children up in the way of our God.  You see God is already present and accounted for in our schools.  He can be there by the simple piece of paper that can be prayed over and put in a backpack.  A law will not make this happen any better than it is now.  A petition for a law will only take away the time that could be used to pray for or to witness to the countless number of individuals in our community that do not have this personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  What is the best use of our time here?  Is it to fight to get signatures for a possible vote?  And then what if we lose that vote, then what, what does that tell us?  Now just like the passing of liquor for the City of Corinth does not automatically make everyone in it a drunk, the passing of a law allowing God back into the schools would not automatically make everyone have a personal relationship with Jesus.  Both are a personal choice by each individual.  Even with laws a person must make the decision to purchase the alcohol and get drunk.  People need to be seeking after God and making the personal choice to follow Him.  The only way for this to happen is by witnessing to those who do not know Him.  That is where I believe time would be better spent.  So instead of a signature petition for a law why not put together tracts to pass out to the lost so they can know the way to be saved.  God is in our schools, He just needs to be in more lives!

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